Product Category
Success Stories
Weight Loss
Colon Cleansing Kit
Colon cleansing kit contains colon 1 and colon 2 with a product manual that explains how to use them. Colon step 1 is a powerful herbal formula for cleansing the colon of accumulated and impacted waste, and for restoring intestinal function to normal & colon step 2 is a powerful herbal formula for regulating the colon, and helping to remove encrusted fecal matter safely and efficiently.
Price: $98
Total Body Cleansing Kit
Total Body Cleansing Kit is 30 days of cleansing and detoxification of the entire body and reproductive organs (colon, liver/gallbladder, kidney/bladder, parasite/immunity for women and men) with powerful organic herbs to get rid of inside/out accumulated waste, bacteria, bloodstream of toxins, expel parasites, boost fertility, enhance strong immune system and promote over-all body functions at its optimal healthy level.
Price: $288